home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Monday, December 8, 2014 - Page 3 of 102 - << previous page : next page >>
One advantage of the red-eye.. no lines!  We had to share a bus with two other groups this time though so no private transport.
One advantage of the red-eye.. no lines! We had to share a bus with two other groups this time though so no private transport. Click to switch to large image view
We arrived on Disney property before the sun rose though.
We arrived on Disney property before the sun rose though. Click to switch to large image view
As luck would have it a room was open so we were able to check in and head up to the room.   Here is the look around a standard room at the Beach Club Resort.
As luck would have it a room was open so we were able to check in and head up to the room. Here is the look around a standard room at the Beach Club Resort. Click to switch to large image view
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